Environment: The Science behind the Stories captures student interest with a revolutionary new approach. Integrated central case studies are elaborated through each chapter, using real-life details of each story to give students a tangible and engaging framework around which to learn and understand conceptual scientific issues. The newly revised Third Edition enhances this book¡¯s focus on current data, scientific rigor, and critical thinking with the addition of new hands-on activities
I. Foundations of Environmental Science
1. An Introduction to Environmental Science
2. Environmental Ethics and Economics: Values and Choices
3. Environmental Policy: Decision Making and Problem Solving
4. From Chemistry to Energy to Life
5. Evolution, Biodiversity, and Population Ecology
6. Species Interactions and Community Ecology
7. Environmental Systems and Ecosystem Ecology
II. Environmental Issues and the Search For Solutions
8. Human Population
9. Soil and Agriculture
10. Agriculture, Biotechnology, and the Future of Food
11. Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
12. Resource Management, Forestry, Land Use, and Protected Areas
13. Urbanization and Creating Livable Cities
14. Environmental Health and Toxicology
15. Freshwater Resources: Natural Systems, Human Impact, and Conservation
16. Marine and Coastal Systems: Resources, Impacts, and Conservation
17. Atmospheric Science and Air Pollution
18. Global Climate Change
19. Fossil Fuels, Their Impacts, and Energy Conservation
20. Conventional Energy Alternatives
21. New Renewable Energy Alternatives
22. Waste Management
23. Sustainable Solutions