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Mysql_Query : insert morning_look_table set look_id = '', look_sess = '1726870330_80484', look_category = '24050000', look_goods_id = '868', look_subject = 'Kozier & Erbs Fundamentals of Nursing, Global Edition 11th Edition', look_image_file1 = './shop_image/202404/Kozier_&_Erb's_Fundamentals_of_Nursing,_Global_Edition,_11th.jpg', look_price = '88000.00', register_date = '1726870335'
Mysql_Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's_Fundamentals_of_Nursing,_Global_Edition,_11th.jpg', lo' at line 7
Mysql Error Num : 1064
